About Us
Hey there everyone! Thanks so much for checking out my page!
I’d like to introduce myself to you all, Adrianna Smallwood here, it’s nice to meet you. I’m a Registered Dietitian at Newfound Balance. What does this mean exactly? It means I’m registered with a regulatory body that holds me responsible for the type of care that I give to you when you seek me out for counseling and nutrition information. This regulatory body is so wonderful and every year they ensure that I have obtained a certain amount of education credits and hold enough practice hours to keep my licence. And I can tell you…that part is easy! The draw of this field was that I would be constantly learning and evolving to help you!
I was so lucky to complete my first degree in Biochemistry at MUN, here in Newfoundland. My studies then took me to Nova Scotia to get a second degree in Nutrition, after which I moved right back home to complete a 1 year internship with Eastern Health…which just so happens to be where I work outside of Newfound Balance as a Clinical Dietitian.
Newest Recipes
Stay tuned for announcements on my upcoming September 2023 workshops including Baby Led Weaning and FODOMAPS.