
Celiac Restaurant Blogging Chronicles-Blue on Water

Celiac Restaurant Blogging Chronicles-Blue on Water

Here in St. John’s our Restaurant options are starting to expand. Every day I hear about a brand new Restaurant. Now for me…the prospect of a new restaurant isn’t as exciting as it used to be. 5 years ago I got the worst and best 

Hold the Gluten

Hold the Gluten

Hey out there fellow Celiacs…or gluten intolerant readers as well! I have been baking gluten free for about 5 years now and I have had many successes…and failures…with my baking! I know it can be a struggle to find the perfect gluten free product that 

Eating on a Budget

Eating on a Budget

Yikes!!! Did anyone see the new Newfoundland budget?! Probably a rhetorical question right? Here we are in Newfoundland trying to make the best of it. We’re already paying twice as much for food as most provinces and now we might have to pay more?! And people wonder why the rates in this province for Obesity, Diabetes, Heart disease among others are so high…well we just can’t afford to eat good can we? Well…hopefully I can make it a little easier on you by giving you a few tips! Here we go…

Getting Ready

  1. Before you even step foot in the grocery store you need to have a plan! Make a list of the foods you need and think ahead for the next week or 2. Based on the recipes you use most often I’m sure you’ll know what you need. Or you could be trying out a new recipe or 2 but keep it on the list. This will cut down on impulse buying and it will also help you remember everything so you’re not making another trip to the grocery store in 2 days because you forgot something and buying 5 other things you didn’t really need.
  2. NEVER and I mean absolutely never go to the grocery store hungry. I have done it, you have done it. I don’t know what happens but I black out and come to at some point in the line with my cart piled high with a million foods I know I will never eat but my stomach takes over and there I am with 8 bags of chips, 4 boxes of cookies, candy, ice cream, everything that is sweet or salty that I’m craving and usually buy in moderation but it ends up in my cart in triple the amount.
  3. Don’t put expensive ingredients you might never need again for recipes you haven’t tried on your list. A lot of spices and sauces are expensive. Borrow some from a friend until you find out if you like it or wait for it to go on sale, or simply google it! Sometimes you can find out different ways to make sauces with less exotic ingredients.
  4. Look for coupons. There are coupons that come in the mail and whenever you walk into a grocery store there is usually a flier or a wall of coupons that you can pick and choose from. For the more phone savvy, tech person, Sobeys and Dominion stores have apps to download that have coupons plus recipe ideas and more.
  5. Consider the No Name brand option. It can sometimes be the more delicious option. It might not always be cheaper but it most often is.
  6. Be aware of the stores in your area. Produce may be cheaper at No Frills, meat might be cheaper at Sobeys and Dairy might be cheaper at Dominion

Now I want to tackle the fresh versus frozen versus canned debate. Newfoundland is an island and let’s face it…the most exotic fruits and vegetables cannot be grown here, so, much of our produce is shipped. Now the nutrients in vegetables and fruits break down over time. Each day after they are harvested they degrade and add handling and transportation to that…by the time the food gets to our beautiful rock a lot of the nutrients have been lost. Enter frozen and canned foods. Prior to being frozen or canned, produce is blanched. This means it is dipped in boiling water for a timed interval and then removed quickly and flash frozen or dipped in ice water to stop the cooking process. This blanching process is required to stop the enzymes present in produce which cause the produce to rot over time. Side note: the browning that happens to an apple after it is cut is an enzyme process. The blanching and freezing keeps the produce at the peak of their nutrition.  So…prepare yourselves for this…frozen fruits and vegetables can sometimes be a healthier option! If you don’t believe me I would encourage you to read some articles on the subject such as this one: here.

With all that being said:


  1. Buy fresh fruits and veggies that are in season. Grapes and Strawberries are NOT in season in the winter which is why you probably noticed in the grocery store this past winter that grapes were 14 dollars per bag and strawberries were 7.99 for a small tub. It is no problem to find strawberries for 2.99 in the summer (At one particular time I went into the grocery store while hungry and bought both strawberries AND grapes at these horrendous prices…but I was hungry and craving them. Another reason not to go to the grocery store hungry!!!).
  2. Buy frozen or canned produce when it’s on sale. Watch out for added salt and sugar in the juices in cans. Look for low sodium vegetables or fruit canned in their own juices and not syrup.
  3. Make a fun family outing in the summer and head to a you-pick or foresty/marshy area and pick blueberries, blackberries, raspberries or strawberries. It’s a family excursion, plus exercise and you can freeze extras for the long winter months.
  4. Do not wash fruit or vegetables until you’re about to eat it. Introducing water to them and then storing them wet can cause them to rot more quickly. Try storing berries, lettuce or other leafy delicate foods in a container with a paper towel to absorb extra moisture and keep them fresh longer.


  1. Look for deals. A lot of recipes are interchangeable. You can make tacos with chicken, beef, pork or beans. If pork is on your list but chicken is actually on sale then buy the chicken.
  2. Trade in 1-2 of your weekly meals for beans rather than meat. Beans are a much cheaper option and an excellent source of protein, they are also high in fibre and have zero fat. So, they are an excellent replacement for meat. Black beans and chick peas, for example, soak up the flavor of anything you cook them with. I have made burgers and tacos with black beans rather than beef and they were delicious!
  3. Buy canned tuna, salmon or chicken. These options can sometimes be cheaper and more convenient. Look for meat canned in water for a lower sodium option.
  4. Consider having a peanut butter sandwich rather than a meat sandwich. Peanut butter is a cheaper option and 2 tablespoons is considered a serving of protein.


  1. Buy powdered milk to mix with water in recipes such as soups or puddings rather than regular cows milk.

At the end of the day, some of these tasks may seem tedious but it will become common nature eventually and save money in the long run. You might even find yourself preparing more at home and eating healthier (secretly that is always my hope! :)).

Signing off,

Adrianna Smallwood, RD

Registered Dietitian and Nutrition Expert

For The Love of Food

For The Love of Food

I began reading this book lately, it’s called “Secrets of Feeding a Healthy Family. How to Eat, How to Raise Good Eaters, How to Cook.” I’ve heard so many great things about the author Ellyn Satter and this particular book has been on my reading 

Nutrition Month….Nutrition Year?!

Nutrition Month….Nutrition Year?!

In case you didn’t already know…March is Nutrition Month! Ok so I am guilty of plastering this all over every social media I own, so if you’re following me I have already announced this one thousand times. I’m really sorry! I just get really excited 

What The Heck is a Dietitian???

What The Heck is a Dietitian???

I have been asked so many times ‘What is the difference between a Dietitian and a Nutritionist,’ but I hadn’t realized until this weekend past what it meant to people. I was speaking with a gentleman and the topics of our respective occupations came up. When I told the man I was a Dietitian he asked me ‘What is the difference between a Dietitian and a Nutritionist?’ He continued on by saying, ‘I would much rather go to a Nutritionist than a Dietitian because a Nutritionist is going to go over all of my nutrients, vitamins and minerals and tell me what I need to be healthy, a Dietitian is just going to put me on a diet and I won’t be able to eat anything. A Dietitian sounds so much scarier.’

This is of course when I had my “AH HA” moment. For some time now, Dietitians have been trying to figure out why individuals seek out the advice of a Nutritionist, Nutritionalist or other nutrition related professional rather than a Dietitian. This might seem like a fruitless effort to some. Why do us Dietitians worry about where the public might be getting their nutrition information? It’s because Dietitians have to complete a four year degree program, followed by a competitive one year internship with a Healthcare system, for example I completed mine with Eastern Health, and only then can we write our National Certification exam which allows us to practice if we pass. The Dietitian profession is also regulated. This means that a governing body is responsible for insuring that the universities we attend are accredited and giving us the tools we need to complete our internships and our internships are accredited and giving us the tools to not only help our patients and clients but to also do them no harm. After a Dietitian completes and passes their registration exam, education does not stop there! Dietitians must register with their provincial college yearly to continue to practice. One of the purposes of this college is to make sure Dietitian’s keep their knowledge current. Every 3 years we need to have completed 45 education credits which comes from attending workshops, conferences, and completing research among other things. The College also acts to investigate complaints from the public to insure that a Dietitian is doing their jobs properly. If a Dietitian brings harm to a patient or client there will be repercussions and sometimes a Dietitian can lose their ability to practice. Lastly, because a Dietitian has to go through this strict process, the term Dietitian, or Registered Dietitian is protected. This means that legally, only a person who has gone through the above process can call themselves a Dietitian and write the initials ‘RD’ after their name.

With all this being said, I go back to my original question, why are Dietitians worried about where individuals are getting their nutrition info? It’s because any person who wishes to call themselves a Nutritionist can! The title Nutritionist isn’t protected and you never need even do a nutrition course to call yourself that. Now, all this being said, I have met some Nutritionists who are extremely educated and our Community Dietitians are called Nutritionists but it isn’t a regulated profession so there is no governing body to insure that every nutritionist is giving their clients safe and accurate information. Dietitians can call themselves Nutritionists if they like but Nutritionists cannot call themselves Dietitians. When in doubt, look for the initials ‘RD’ after the professionals name to confirm they are a Dietitian.

So, with all these thoughts in my head I look at the man who tells me a Dietitian sounds scary and I say ‘I never thought of it that way’ and I hadn’t! I thank him and I tell him that a Dietitian is what he is thinking of. We look at what nutrients you are taking in, what you might be missing, how you can get what you need and we also educate clients and patients about creating a healthier relationship with food.

Bringing all this together, a Dietitian’s job is to:
1. Give you tips and healthy recipes to help you plan, shop for and cook healthy meals for you and your family
2. Give you information to help you interpret food labels, the latest food trends and diets
3. Give you support to improve the relationship you have with food
4. Create a customized meal plan to help you
a. Manage your weight
b. Manage any food allergies or intolerances
c. Get the most from your workouts
d. Prevent and manage chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer  and kidney disease
5. Give you individualized counseling for stages throughout the lifespan including young “picky eaters”, active teenagers, pregnant women and elderly.
6. Give you advice on whether you need a vitamin or mineral supplement based on your health needs

At the end of the day, as a Dietitian and lover of all food, my motto is to enjoy all foods in moderation and I would never “put anyone on a diet” or tell a patient or client to cut something out of their diet unless eating it would be harmful based on an allergy or health concern they specifically have. Dietitians are here to help you make decisions about food. We love food and we love to help!

New Year, New Goals!

New Year, New Goals!

It’s 2016 and I’m sure as soon as the clock struck midnight everyone was thinking about those little resolutions they were making the last few weeks of December. The new year always brings a fresh slate for me and I love thinking of all the 

Increasing Fibre Intake-The Whole Grain Truth

Increasing Fibre Intake-The Whole Grain Truth

I often tell people that of all the things they can do, increasing their daily fibre intake is probably one of the most important (and magical). A diet low in fibre can result in loose stool and diarrhea, slow digestion and constipation. Fibre is responsible 

Sugar Coating The Truth

Sugar Coating The Truth

I wrote this article for a local magazine in Kincardine Ontario but I figured it would be a fun and super useful first blog post…please read and I hope you enjoy….

Ready-to-go snack foods are a staple in our busy society.

School lunches, sports practice, busy work days and other on-the-run activities make it easy for the snack industry to promote their products. But have you stopped to read food labels and consider what additives or nutrients are in these foods?

Sugar, structurally, is a carbohydrate, which adds a deliciously sweet flavor to our foods, but it also provides energy to the body in the form of calories without providing other nutritional benefits. Dietitians like to call these foods ‘energy dense but nutrient poor.’ Let’s stop for a moment though, before we frantically start reading every label for the sugar or carbohydrate content, because sugar is found naturally in products which are healthy and full of nutrients like protein, vitamins and fibre. Dietitians like to call these foods ‘nutrient dense’.

Added sugars are the sugars we need to be aware of and try to limit in our everyday diet as much as possible.

Sources of Added Sugars

These hide in ingredient labels under names such as glucose, fructose, dextrose, maltose, sucrose, brown sugar, honey, corn syrup, maple syrup, molasses, fruit puree, fruit juice and so fourth.

Added sugar are basically sugars found where they would not normally be. Sugar is added to these products for flavor , particularly in foods labelled ‘low fat’ and for preservation purposes in boxes or canned foods.

Decreasing Sugar Intake

Going forward, it is important to know how we can reduce these food sources in our diet. Decreasing sugar intake in both children and adults has been linked with lower rates of dental issues (cavities/tooth decay), overweight and obesity, insulin resistance and hyperactivity to name a few.

Enjoying a variety of foods in their natural form-fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, yogurt and milk-is a good way to start. Become familiar with labels and be aware of the following nutrition claims:

No added sugar- What this means is the product contains no added sugar such as glucose, fructose, honey or molasses. However, it may contain naturally occurring sugars such as those from fruit or dairy products.

Reduced or lower in sugar- This means the food contains at least 25% and 5 grams less sugar than the food to which it is compared, but how much sugar is in the original product? This does not mean that it is low in sugar, it is just lower compared to the original product, so keep that in mind.

Unsweetened- This means the food contains no added sugars or sweeteners such as aspartame or sucralose.

Sugar-free or sugarless- This means each standard serving contains less than 0.5 grams of sugar and less than 5 calories.

Recommended Sugar Intake

The World Health Organization posted new guidelines in 2015 for sugar intake. These guidelines suggest, “…Intake of free sugars (should be reduced) to less than 10 percent of total energy intake.” In practice, this number for the average 2,000 calorie diet looks like 50 grams or 12 teaspoons daily.

Key Tips For Healthy Snacking

So now we know what sugar is, where it can be found and how to avoid it. What are the key tips for healthy snacking?

-Limit sweets and sugar such as candy, jam, honey and syrup

-Choose fruit packaged in water or its own juice rather than syrup

-Limit chips, chocolate, cakes, donuts, and other sugary treats

-Remember that some drinks contain sugar. Juice and pop have 25-28 grams of sugar per cup. This is equal to about 6 teaspoons of sugar

-Choose water, milk, or sugar-free drinks when you are thirsty rather than juice or pop

-Choose high fibre foods most often. Examples are vegetables, fruit and whole grains like oatmeal, whole wheat bread and rye crackers

-Choose nutrient-dense snacks such as homemade trail mix

-Do not eat too much. Do not snack directly out of a bulk-sized box or bag. Instead, take one portion and eat it from a plate or a bowl

-Be prepared. Pack some healthy snacks in your lunchbox, at your desk, in your bag or in the car. You will be less likely to choose unhealthy snacks when you need one

